when I check the option “Display only breadcrumbs”, the title is gone but it leaves an empty h1 behind.
How do I remove the empty h1 tag?
That’s exactly what I would like to know too, I have set Header > Header Title and Breadcrumbs to “Display only breadcrumbs” but it leaves a large gap where the <h1> heading was.
I can’t reproduce this on my local installation, could you please link to your pages/posts so that we can have a closer look? We might need temporary admin logins as well if possible. You can post the details here as a private reply.
The site I’m working on is http://www.englandsoldestfootballclubs.com/ although I’ve been able to make up for the unwanted space by removing or reducing padding in various places. Many thanks.
Here are my changes in custom.css if it helps:
.title_container .main-title {
display: none !important;
#top .title_container .container {
min-height: 30px;
Modify function-enfold.php, look for this code:
//disable title if requested
if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'breadcrumbs_only') $args['title'] = '';
Replace it with:
//disable title if requested
if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'breadcrumbs_only') $args['html'] = "<div class='{class} title_container'><div class='container'>{additions}</div></div>";
Should be added on the next update.
Best regards,
Perfect, thank you.
Looking forward to the next update.