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  • #1105503


    I’d like my header section to be a different color than the main navigation bar. How do I set the color of the navigation bar and its elements?

    I want the field that the log is in to be green, but the navigation bar directly below it to be white.

    Also, why it the logo in the header smushed to the top of the page with all that extra whitespace below?

    Finally Why does it say “Home” right below the navigation in an alternate content area? I don’t want that to show. I’ve turned off breadcrumbs so I don’t understand.

    Thanks in advance for your help!



    Hey Dandelion222,

    Please stick to one problem at a time, try this to change the background of the navigation on your site:

    #header_main_alternate, .av-main-nav > li > a {

    Best regards,


    Well, since it was all the “header” section I thought it could count together. I was looking for a setting to control the navigation. In the end I think I found it in the advanced styling options. And I figured out the extra “home” button was simply the title of the page showing.



    Thanks for the update, so you got everything working as you wanted then?

    Best regards,

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