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  • #912252

    Hi Guys

    Using the latest version of the theme, a recurring thing I see on sites in enfold is if the page has a transparent header then on mobile the alternative top bar goes white and ignores your theme rule

    See this page

    In element inspector I can see

    #top #header_meta, #top #header_meta nav ul ul li, #top #header_meta nav ul ul a, #top #header_meta nav ul ul {
    background-color: #17345b;

    That rule has a line through it and being ignored.

    The result is white text on white background. Now I know some css can fix this manually but I’d like to figure out what is the root cause of this problem in the first instance

    Any ideas or feedback appreciated


    Hey codecreative,

    Try it as a following

    #top #header_meta, #top #header_meta nav ul ul li, #top #header_meta nav ul ul a, #top #header_meta nav ul ul {
    background-color: #17345b !important;

    and let us know if that works

    Best regards,


    Hey Basilis

    Thank you. I wouldn’t want to post and trouble you on the forum by asking for the css as I know that css would work but as mentioned I want to understand why this is happening in the first place so I can train someone else the correct way to use enfold and avoid this happening

    Thank you for your fast reply, can you identify the root cause?



    Unfortunately, the root cause would have to be determined by the devs. It could be a simple styling conflict or error, or perhaps something that would require quite a bit more research. Now that the team is aware of the issue, it will go a long way into get this solved without the need of css fixes.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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