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  • #1447230

    We’ve recently updated to 5.7.1. After the update we noticed the logo and our menu jump to the right about 150 pixels when you roll over the “Let’s Go” menu link. For context this is a hamburger icon that we hid and replaced with text. This only happens on the non scrolled header version, once you start scrolling the issue goes away. Any ideas what could be causing this?


    Hey jaimemerz,
    I checked your page, without scrolling, on Windows in Chrome, Firefox, & Edge and didn’t find any movement when hovering over the “Let’s Go” menu link.
    Try clearing your browser cache and check again.

    Best regards,


    I flushed the server cache and looked at it in an incognito window and the problem still is there. I recorded a screen grab of the issue, put the link to it in the private content. Any ideas? Thank you!


    I’m not seeing this on Windows in Chrome, Firefox, & Edge, what browser are you using?

    Best regards,

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