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  • #1156755


    my site worked very, very fine. Since I disabled and deleted a plugin (Google Maps and Borlabs Cookies), my logo won’t work anymore (desktop and mobile) concerning the following issues:

    1.) the loading of the logo is since this changing very delayed.
    2.) I installed the setting that the logo changes when scrolling. Now, the bottom of the primary logo is overlapped by a bar with the secondary logo.

    Thanks for any help in advance!!!

    Credentials see below please.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by venolab.

    I’ve solved both main problems. Deactivating the autoptimize-plugin was the key.

    ad 1.) I’ve enabled lazy load. Don’t ask me why, but it shows the first effects (seen on logo) after deactivating the mentioned plugins (GM and Borlabs)
    Now I’ve excluded both logos from lazy loading.

    ad 2.) I’ve also enabled “delibvering pictures over the ShortPixel CDN”. Somehow, this causes a cropping of my primary logo, so that the following content slides up. This caused the overlay of my primary logo.

    Now I try to exclude both logos from delivering via CDN. Does anybody has a solution for that?

    Yours, Thomas



    I found a solution to exclude pictures (f.e. and recommended logos) from optimization and delivering via CDN when using ShortPixel-plugin together with Autoptimize plugin:

    Like shown here ShortPixel Helpscouts just add this code to your functions.php (I didn’t use the described plugin) and set in the filenames (also working with paths) of your pictures you don’t want to optimize.

    function imgopt_excl() {
    return 'some-image.png, another-image.jpg';

    For now, everything is fine and it works :)))



    I’m glad you found a solution. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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