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  • #1464873

    I saw a couple of old threads on this, but I doubt if they are still relevant. Basically, the “Header Invisible Until User Scrolls” is not working on one of my sites. See private please. I’ve compared the Enfold Theme Options Header settings to another site that is working, but no change.


    Hey laptophobo,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We’ve found a script error that might be related to the issue. What happens when you remove this script?

        (function($) {
            var int = '';
            function a() {
                var isMobile = $('.av-burger-menu-main').css('display')
                  , htmlString = $('#header_main .social_bookmarks').find('li a')
                  , mobileMenu = $('.av-burger-overlay')
                  , socialString = [];
                if (isMobile == 'none')
                if ($('.burger-social').length)
                htmlString.each(function() {
                    var socialClass = $(this).parent('li').attr('class')
                      , socialItems = $(this).wrap('<li class="' + socialClass + ' av-active-burger-items burger-social"></div>').parent().unwrap();
                $(socialString).each(function() {
            $('#header').on('mousedown', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() {
                int = setInterval(function() {
                }, 500);

    Best regards,


    Nope, removing that script didn’t change anything. I returned it back. (Should I delete it out anyway)?
    Also, I deactivated the Child function.php file to see it that did anything. Nothing.



    Thank you for the update.

    We may need to access the site to further investigate the issue. Please provide the login details in the private field. Did you modify any template files in the child theme?

    Best regards,


    Admin access login details are in Private.

    I have not modified the Parent template files. The only ones modified in Child template are: functions.php, header.php, footer.php. Do you need access to the web files as well?

    Thanks much!



    I have not modified the Parent template files. The only ones modified in Child template are: functions.php, header.php, footer.php.

    There is a header.php and a footer.php file in the child theme folder. Did you try updating these files to the latest version? You could also try removing them temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.

    Best regards,


    Yes, it was the first thing I thought of. I turned off those 2 files (by temporarily renaming them) and that didn’t fix it.



    The header.php and footer.php files are still there when we checked. Can we access the server files via S/FTP? Please provide the login details in the private field.

    Best regards,


    Yes, they are still there. I had mentioned that I had turned them off temporarily to check them. But here’s the FTP location (in Private)


    I tried enabling the parent theme, and the header worked correctly on scroll then on your test page, I then re-enabled your child theme.
    I see that you also have custom shortcode elements in your child theme, try removing these and check, if this helps, add them back one at a time to find the conflict.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Since the pages without shortcodes are not working as well, does this mean that whenever I use shortcodes it may break Enfold child?


    BTW, I took all of the pages known to be using (Enfold) short codes and placed them in Draft mode. That didn’t fix the problem.
    There are a couple of pages that use shortcodes (e.g.: mailing list forms). Would this need to be checked?


    I not sure what you mean, I was saying that when the parent theme is used the header worked correctly on scroll, so this would point to the error in your child theme, and I see that you have custom files in your child theme:
    Screen Shot 2024 08 25 at 6.55.21 AM
    So did you try switching the parent theme?
    Did you try removing these files from your child theme?
    Typically the custom header.php & footer.php causes these issues, but you said that you already tried removing these.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for that.
    I’m unable to find “Select the Theme to Edit” selector you’ve attached. Once I see what you saw, I might be able to figure out the issue on my end.


    See WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Theme File Editor

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the roadmap. :-)

    Well, I turned off the entire Enfold Child (enfold-child) folder by renaming it. No change. I also went in and did the same to the shortcode files and event the Child style.css file.

    My client no longer wants the hidden until scrolled down header look, so I think we can leave this mystery unsolved for now. I appreciate your time on this though.




    Thank you for the update.

    Since the issue only occurs when the child theme is activated, it is definitely due to the modifications in the template files. Please feel free to open another thread if you need further assistance.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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