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  • #237831

    After updating the theme, my header in mobile changed on all three of my sites.
    It used to be the logo followed by a drop down below the logo…nice and clean.
    These are all my sites using your awesome Enfold Theme.

    I went into avia.js to try and update but i could not.
    This is the code I used to enter given by my web developer.
    After the update, things have changed a bit.

    line 87
    Original Code:
    switchWidth = 767;
    Revised Code:
    switchWidth = 989;

    line 89
    Original Code:
    if(first_level_items > 8 && !bottom_menu)
    Revised Code:
    if(first_level_items > 4 && !bottom_menu)

    Please advise.


    Hi djsmbd!

    switchWidth is now on line 25, first_level_items seems to have been removed.



    Hello Josue,
    I could not make the update because I could not find anything that said switchWidth in avia.js.
    We need it to look like the mobile header on this site: http://photoboothbydesign.com/

    The problem is here: http://musicbydesign.com/

    Kind regards



    I’m sorry but all three sites are not loading on my end. I’m not sure why this is happening on my end but have you tried to reconfigure the header settings? Saving the settings on Enfold > Header might fix the issue. Kriesi created a new platform with a lot of options to modify the header.

    Best regards,


    We tried reconfiguring the heading setting in enfold and nothing worked. Please see if the mobile site is loading for you…all good here. http://musicbydesign.com/ Please notice the menu overlaps the logo.


    We found the issue. In the update, we can’t find the setting: Responsive Header Main Menu – How do we display the menu as a drop down? That will fix our issue.



    To fix the logo overlap issue on smaller screens add this code to the quick css field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .mobile_slide_out .logo img {
    width: 80%;
    height: auto !important;
    padding-top: 15px;

    Kriesi removed the “dropdown” option with the last update. I’ll tag this thread for him in case he wants to comment on the decision.

    Best regards,


    Thank you! Once again you guys rock!

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