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  • #711689


    I want put the header fixed with no visibility when scrolls, in some pages, like this demo.

    And in other pages I want that the header appears always visible, like this demo.

    It’s possible?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by VM.

    Hey vmoralestejedor!

    That is not possible. This option is created to be applied for all the site and there is no way to limit it.

    Thanks a lot



    OK perfect.

    So, I need to know how can configure the first option, header fixed with no visibility when scrolls.

    Thank you Basilis.


    Fixed, in Enfold/ Header.



    you can make you header settings inside Enfold->Header->Header behavior. Beside this you can change your header when editing your page. Scroll down and look on the right side for “Header visibility and transparency”.

    Best regards,

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