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  • #1321815


    I’m trying to make the phone number and email clickable in the area above the header. I have inserted this code into the area but it is not working.

    [av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon] <span class="custom-header-meta"><a href=“tel:3109333123">(310)933 3123</a></span> [av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon] <span class="custom-header-meta"><a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) "> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a></span>

    Any Assistance would be helpful


    Hey Stretchspot,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried wrapping the icon shortcode and the content inside a link tag?


    <a href="">Some content here</a>


    <a href="">[av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon] <span class="custom-header-meta"><a href=“tel:3109333123">(310)933 3123</a></span> [av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon] <span class="custom-header-meta"><a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out)  "> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a></span></a>

    Best regards,


    yes you can do it this way too – if you like to have the icons inside the link ( click-active) :

    <a href="tel:3109333123">[av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon] (310)933 3123</a> - <a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ">[av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello'  size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon]  (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>

    important to have the icons besides the concerning link : display: inline-block ( or -table )

    .phone-info a {
      display: inline-block

    change the color to whatever you like.


    And you did not test mine ?
    OK –


    @guenni007 I was having trouble understanding your suggestion. Did you want me to just add the phone-info? I would like the icons to the left of the link.


    I’m trying to make the phone number and email clickable in the area above the header

    so i guess it is the area of the header_meta.
    You can insert content to that area by using the phone-info field. As far i can see – you have done this.

    Add that little css to your quick css. – just give it a try
    Copy & Paste this code to your phone-info input field ( replace the other entries )

    <a href="tel:3109333123">[av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon] (310)933 3123</a> • <a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ">[av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon]  (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>


    Thank you for the update.

    You may need to add the css code that @Guenni007 suggested above to fix the link alignment. Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adding the code.

    .phone-info a {
      display: inline-block

    Best regards,


    Ok, I added the css. It is now on one line but the phone number is not on the same horizontal line – It is slightly dropped.


    and you realy replaced your code ( on phone-info input field ) with mine ???

    <a href="tel:3109333123">[av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon] (310)933 3123</a> - <a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ">[av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#b02b2c' ][/av_font_icon]  (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>


    Yes, please try use @Guenni007’s solution instead of the previous code that we suggested.

    Best regards,


    I went ahead and replaced my code with @guenni007‘s solution but things looks a tad more off.

    Please advise


    now put this to your quick css:
    the first rule is extended – then the second instruction is added

    .phone-info a {
    	display: inline-block;
    	font-size: 14px;
    	font-weight: normal !important;
    	padding-left: 15px
    .phone-info .av_font_icon {
    	position: relative;
    	top: -4px;
    	color: #eaac57;

    and in the phone-info code get rid of separator “-”
    or replace with:

    <a href="tel:3109333123">[av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#eaac57' custom_class='phone'][/av_font_icon] (310)933 3123</a><a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ">[av_font_icon icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' size='20px' position='left' color='#eaac57' custom_class='email'][/av_font_icon]  (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    btw. if you like to have that phone icon mirrored: {
      transform: scaleX(-1) !important;


    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    complaining is always immediate, positive feedback takes longer – why was that? ;)

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