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  • #1409120

    Now: see f.e. that page and its curtain effect footer: https://enfold.webers-webdesign.de/

    The content of that footer will end on small screens ( all columns are beneath each other ) at a height of 1176px.
    So even if i could set that option when curtain effect footer goes to scroll to 100% ( only 90% option is available ) there will be no space to show all the content on f.e. an iPhone 11 ( screen-height is : 812px) – so if that footer stays on fixed position there will be 364px that could not be seen.
    The only way to see the whole footer content is then to set position to relative and scroll with the content !

    if we are talking about your homepage ( link on your nick) The footer is still fixed on my mobile devices.
    but for mobile devices with less than 736px ( iPhone 6,7,8) it will scroll – because:
    your footer height will be on that screenwidth of 375px : 535px and this is nearby 80% of available screen-height. That is the reason why i give you the snippet to enlarge the allowed footer height to set to 90%.
    In this case your footer will be even fixed on Mobiles with 736px screen
    if you got iPhone 5 it is 568px available – no chance even on 90% to have a fixed footer with curtain effect.


    your header – there must be some css mismatch.
    Because click on your hamburger!



    My footer now is all visible in my iPhone 6.
    Why it doesn’t work?!


    My burger! It’s ok! Here I would to not open the submenu like that! I would to open it like a curtain that fall down (full screen) and all the pages name move from right to left, one by one:


    The header hide on scroll effect works only on desktop! (?!?)


    Yes on mobile devices – it is ok – but click on hamburger on desktop browsers! ( screens bigger than 768px)


    Ok. Inside there is the css of the Nikko. Not Ismael! Check Nikko’css…
    I repeat, entry in my wp!


    this is what i see on all my browsers for screens bigger than 768px clicking the hamburger
    no menu can be seen


    I insert your css but it’s the same!! Entryyyyyyy…Cheeeeck!!


    I also see that! Doesn’t work! Please help me also to A the other requests..


    Hello!!! Are there someone that can help me to solve my menu question?
    -header not hide when scrolling down ON MOBILE.
    -submenu (after clicking the burger) doesn’t work ON DESKTOP.

    Again: is it possible to obtain the header that falling down like a curtain after click the burger?

    Many thanks


    Hello! Is there someone?!


    Hello!! Someone that help me on my submenu on desktop??
    Cheeeeck!! Doesn’t work! Why???


    Again. The header do not hide on scroll on mobile. Only on desktop.
    Heeeelp!! Who i have to ask????? I’m working! Not joking!!!!!


    Thanks for your patience, the reason your mobile header doesn’t transform out of view is because the mobile header is set to a fixed position with css in order for it to show at the top of the mobile screen transform doesn’t work on fixed position items, so you can’t have this header transform out of view, if you wish you can have the header disappear but it won’t be like the desktop version.

    Best regards,


    Hi, so? Where i have to modify? Which css i have to change?
    Please check….


    I believe the mobile header is now working, please check.

    Best regards,


    Yes. Ok but now doesn’t work the burger. Click the burger! Check!
    Please check also the burger also on desktop! Doesn’t work.


    Please clear your browser cache and check again.

    Best regards,


    Ok. Good! Are you checked the burger also in the desktop version?


    Yes I checked and all is working, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will try to help you. This thread is too long and cover multiple topics. Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,


    Ok. Thanks. Close this thread.

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