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  • #674499

    Hi Yigit

    As i asked you yesterday about a fresh installation of enfold just for the shop as current customization is set for the rest of the site. I couldnt wait :)
    So i did that today in a sub folder. I started to copy some settings and CSS from main site and there is no way to get the same result. Even some CSS that works in the main site seems useless in the shop.

    Please refer to this post #669341. I copied the same code that woks to the shop and nothing
    Also i copied every possible setting in Genaral Styling from the main site to the shop and there is no way to get the same menu style and colors etc..
    Please check menus in both Height colors etc.. and it doesnt match
    Please help

    Thank you


    Hi hdpcr!

    I was able to login to main site however login credentials you posted here for the subdomain is not working on my end. Can you please check them once again?

    We can easily copy the styling and content from your main site however one example (from main site) is a portfolio item and other one is to a normal page. Not sure if i understood clearly :)



    Hi Yigit

    I copied all CSS in main site and paste it in the shop and it didnt work. Also i only need a few CSS from main site as shop doesnt have portfolio.
    Yes main site is Portfolio based because it has categories and pages don’t.
    From main site i only need to keep colors of menus, links color and no logo no header etc.. because the shop will not have black background as main site. in white it’s neat.
    Also could you please help me to understand in general styling what is the difference between Main Area and Alternative Area. in each section pf the page. I couldn’t figure out where is what and when it appears or not. :) i have been changing styles as blind as i dont know what is what :) Maybe you have some link to some document explaining that.
    As i told you i dont need all customization from main site in the shop because there is a lot of things that will not be needed in the shop and thats why i tought its much more easier to have a sub site just for the shop and its look good in mobile without any extra CSS. Remember last posts about product grid titles and excerpt diplay in mobile that was not fine and othe issues related to mobile view. So it the shop demo looks peerfect in mobile and desktop i dont mind to use it just fro the shop as well as i can keep a few setting and the look of main site.

    Thank you very much



    Login credentials are still not working for me :/



    Please check now with the same

    Thank you



    Can you please firstly update Enfold to the latest version on shop site –
    You are currently using a very old version. There has been some changes on the framework and theme files. If we apply the changes on updated theme, we will not need to change selectors in future when you want/need to update the theme :)



    I tried but it keeps saying you are runuing last version. and i did manually check too. I thought as it was a shop it mormal that it 3.2. So far i tried and no update is available. You can check too.

    Thank you



    Please try this plugin to clear WordPress transients if you do not receive auto updates and make sure your API key is correct:

    If it does not help, I am afraid you might need to update the theme manually –

    Unfortunately not all Server environments are able to make use of the auto update feature provided by ThemeForest :/

    Best regards,



    What is weird is in the main site it worked always and automatic updates were working. Now its just this other install and its in the same server

    Thank you



    I installed the plugin and nothing :(
    Thank you



    I did the update manually and it worked fine.
    I can state that many thing shows correctly aparently. At least the menu looks like the main site. So ill check and let you know. Please help me out with the rest of things described in the mockup . Oh and the menu transparency that doesnt look like the main site.

    Thank you very much

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by hdpcr.


    Great :)
    Please add following code to Quick CSS and adjust the padding values as needed

    .container_wrap_first .content, .container_wrap_first .sidebar {
        padding-top: 10px;
    #av_product_description .content {
        padding: 25px 0;
    .header_color .avia_mega_div * {
        background: transparent!important;

    Image used in banner is currently 450x450px.

    Best regards,


    The CSS seems to work. Thank you
    Also could you please help me to understand in general styling what is the difference between Main Area and Alternative Area. in each section pf the page. I couldn’t figure out where is what and when it appears or not. :) i have been changing styles as blind as i dont know what is what :) Maybe you have some link to some document explaining that. In the mockup the Point 5 how to change color of tage

    Thank you very much



    Sorry i missed that part :)
    When changing colors of elements such as color section or buttons, you can choose alternate color scheme and use it instead.
    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .tagcloud a {
        background: #be202d;
        color: white!important;
        border-radius: 3px;

    Best regards,

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