I’ve searched within this forum but still haven’t found an answer to the best image size for Masonry gallery as it relates to viewing on HD devices.
My current ggallery layout is:
3 column Flexible Masonry gallery, within a 2/3 page element.
I realize that the theme resizes the images but I’m concerned that the max image ht or width of 900px that I am preparing for this portfolio site might be outdated in a year or two. All of the images are various sizes, a mix of horizontal and vertical formats, and an assortment within each gallery.
Do you suggest saving the images larger than 900px in width or height so that they will hold up on an HD screen, now, and in a year or two? These images will only be used in the Masonry gallery as described above. (If any will be used larger, for instance, full width, then I will upload the correct size and proportions for that specific use.)
Thank you again for a fantastic theme and your terrific support!
Hey freeethinka,
Thank you for using Enfold.
The max width and height of the “masonry” thumbnail is set to 705x705px. You can increase the max size of the thumbnail with the following plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/
Best regards,