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  • #616207

    If you are having problems like images and sliders not showing up after updating to WordPress 4.5 (this is a javscript related problem) then please follow these steps before posting:

    • Make sure that your theme is up to date and runs the latest Version. In Enfolds case this is 3.7. This should by default fix all problems with this bug. (Updating your theme files)
    • Also: make sure that you are not running any outdated plugins that could cause problems
    • Clear your browser cache and reload the page a few times (hard refresh). If you get the same results then please try a different browser and/or machine to see if you get the same results. If not then you are getting cached results.
    • If clearing your cache did not work then you could try to add the following code to the bottom of the themes functions.php file:
    function modify_jquery() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
    	wp_register_script('jquery', '');
    add_action('init', 'modify_jquery');

    (If this snippet fixes the issue when updating did not there is a good chance that one of your plugins is outdated and causing the problems. This code snippet can only be a temporary fix since it permanently sets your jQuery javascript library to an older version that will be outdated in the future.)

    The functions.php file can be accessed by going to Appearance–>Editor

    If none of the steps above work then please start a new thread and post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your installation.

    Team Kriesi

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit. Reason: updated theme version to 3.6
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