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  • #953493

    Hi all,
    Id like to display a video on the mobile version of my site, and have it autoplay. I know most of the enfold video elements (fullscreen easy slider, fullwidth easy slider) don’t work on mobile, so i’m wondering if there is another creative solution I can use. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you Enfold team and community.


    Hello. This is not possible and wouldn’t be recommended due to not all mobile plans having unlimited data plans.

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    Thanks for sharing @goldengate415, I’ve never tried that myself but I take you word for it :-)

    Best regards,


    can we participate in the secret knowledge? Rob

    by the way there is a way to force youtube videos to play inside ( means not fullwidth but in the content surroundings)
    add as option : &playsinline=1



    Great feedback from everyone guys, thank you very much for that.

    Best regards,

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