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  • #1324923

    I have enlarged the logo area so that the lettering is also included.
    However, if you slowly reduce the browser width on the screen, the haburger menu is not displayed on the right-hand side, but twice one below the other on the left-hand side.
    If you reduce the browser width further, it is then positioned on the right-hand side as desired.
    On smartphones, the display of the hamburger menu works perfectly, but this problem only occurs on tablets.
    Do you have any additional CSS code for me?

    In the private content I send you the access data to the backend


    Hey tommy1989,

    Please try removing this CSS from Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1120px) {
    nav.main_menu {
        display: block !important;

    Then add this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1120px) {
    #avia-menu {
        width: auto;
        float: right;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you very much for the code.
    The hamburger menu no longer appears twice in the left margin.

    However, I now have the problem that when I reduce the size of the browser window, the right-hand menu items gradually slip into the next line to the breadcrumbs.

    Is there a way to set the switching to the hamburger menu to a larger screen width?

    If this is not possible, it would be OK for me if the menu items slid partially into the next line but kept their fixed colours there.

    Best regards,


    Hi Tommy,

    Yes, it can be done via CSS, we have replaced the code with this one:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1120px) {
        .responsive #top #wrap_all .main_menu {
            top: 0;
            height: 80px;
            left: auto;
            right: 0;
            display: block;
            position: absolute;
        #top #wrap_all .breadcrumb {
            display: block !important;
        .responsive #top .logo {
            position: static;
            display: table;
            height: 80px !important;
            float: none;
            padding: 0;
            border: none;
            width: 80%;
        #header_main_alternate {
            display: none;
        .html_header_top.html_header_sticky.html_large.html_bottom_nav_header #main {
            padding-top: 118px;

    Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    this works perfectly now!

    Thank you very much – this is really top support here!

    Best regards,


    Hi Tommy,

    Great, I’m glad that we could help you out, and thanks for the kind feedback :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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