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  • #1029139

    which files with absolute pathes do we have to use to include the header, footer and css in subdomains or referring domains?
    thanks for your help


    Hey travelsolute,

    Do you mean the following:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    thanks for your reply. Is this the complete header information we need to set up the subdomain with the same header from the main site?
    Which *.css file do i have to use to copy the themes style to the subdomain?
    kind regards


    Hi Joerg,

    Thanks for the update, though I’m not sure I understand what you are looking to achieve. Could you try to explain a bit further please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    we are operating the domain listed below. In order to implement booking engines which are connected from the main domain we have set up different subdomains. The subdomains should use the same css, header and footer as the main domain. We would like to administrate changes in css, header and footer only once within the framework of the main domain. The question is now which file includes the css styles and are all of the informations for header and footer in the header.php and footer.php? The subdomains are hosted on different servers than the main domain.


    p.s.: the subdomains are no wordpress installations

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by travelsolute.

    can some help me to solve this issue?


    Hi travelsolute,

    How do you want to use the header and the footer and the css on the subdomains which are not WordPress installations? Did I understand correct?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    Yes you are correct. The subdomains are not using wordpress. We have to use the same headers, footers and css as in the parent domains. We don’t want to create separate headers and footers so that all changes in the parents headers will automatically effect the headers in the subdomains for example. Is there a possibility to transfer the header, footer and the css?

    To integrate the header, footer and css we have to use a template for example like example below.

    Which changes do we have to make to show our header, footer and use our css? Or do you have an idea for another template?

    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by travelsolute.


    You may have to manually extract the header’s html code because the subdomains are not using WordPress.


    The header styles are located on separate stylesheets inside the theme’s css folder.

    Please note that we can only provide support for theme specific issues. You need to hire someone else for this one. Please contact our partner, Codeable.


    Best regards,

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