It might not have anything to do with your theme, but you might have an idea of why I’m having this issue. It seems header.php getting compromised on a daily basis with a script that seems to redirecting visitors. It is always placed in the same location in header.php code. Between wp_head( ); ?> and </head>. Any thoughts on how to stop this?
Hi joliver8855!
If your site is being hacked then I would first contact your hosting provider about this and then follow along with these steps,, to securing your WordPress site.
Thank you, but tried all the methods suggested many times. That’s is what so strange about this.
Is there any way to hard code or restrict, block any changes/edits to header.php
That is not possible, from WordPress or our theme.
Please do contact them and maybe try a service like WordFence or Sucuri.
Let us know if you have any questions.