We’ve been reading a lot about the Gutenberg editor and the plans that WordPress have to roll it into version 4.9
As yet we haven’t had time to test the current Gutenberg plugin with Enfold to see how it behaves. From what we’re seeing from the feedback in the developer forums, it doesn’t sound good.
What are your plans for Enfold and Gutenberg. Will it be an easy transition or are we looking at a world of pain.
With thanks
Hey Phil,
We have been busy with bug fixes and new functionality for the theme, so we haven’t been able to test it yet unfortunately. I would assume that there will be some problems with it as is the case with almost any new functionality in WordPress core. Will it affect the theme in some way? It’s difficult to say, but hopefully it won’t.
Best regards,
May be interesting if someone will dive deeper into Gutenberg:
There will be a (plugin) way to switch back to the old editor, at leat for a while.
More to read, not so technical:
– https://www.premiumwp.com/gutenberg-and-the-future-of-premium-wordpress-themes-plugins/
– https://wpshout.com/stop-presses-gutenberg-wordpress-needs-doesnt-go-nearly-far-enough/