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  • #589157

    Dear Kriesi Team & other forum members,

    I would be very grateful for an advice, how I can realise sth like this with Enfold:

    The page where I found it is here: http://chaillot.tigre-yoga.com
    Can you tell me how it is done, or with which plugin I could achieve that?
    Thanks a lot in advance!!


    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by shaoxuming.


    Have you tried using a Masonry / Masonry Gallery element?



    Dear Josue,

    thanks a lot for your reply – you are absolutely right! This Masonry element (once placed in a grid row = going full width) does the job! I am happy to solve this issue with Enfold itself and don’t need to purchase other plugins on Themeforest. There is only one little issue – if you could advise on this one too, then the whole job is done perfectly: I want to display the title/caption in the centre of the image, not at the bottom. I assume I would need to change a few lines of php in one of the theme files (I am of course working with a child theme). Can you tell me which line I need to modify (and how?)

    Caption in the middle of the image

    A GREAT thanks in advance Josue :-)



    Can you post the link to your website please?


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