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  • #876350

    I set vertical align on bottom in grid row element and on desktop and tablet is fine, but on mobile vertical align is top. How to force vertical align on bottom for mobile?

    i tried with vertical-align:bottom !important; didn’t help


    Hey Uroš,

    Please, can you provide your WP credentials?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Credentials are in private content



    You need to use media queries for the specific class and make it work on desktop

    let us know if there is anything else.

    Best regards,


    yes i tried with that but did not help. When i inspect element it says that it is on that screen 767px set to vertical align: bottom;
    see print screen


    The grid css for mobile view changes at that brake point, but we can’t overwrite it because it is using !important;
    If you remove the !important; from /wp-content/themes/enfold/css/grid.css line 146 we maybe able to overwrite it, or you can comment out lines 139, 144-146 yourself.
    I’m not sure what other effects it will have on your grid.
    If you are using a child theme you can add a copy of grid.css to it.

    Best regards,

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