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  • #633555

    Hi, I have this portfolio where each portfolio item consists of a grid row with a code block into it, Example:
    The thing is that I would like to have the height of the Panorama adapted to the height of each screen, so I thouth could be something like this:
    [pano file=”…./VR-FORMENTOR.html” width=”100%” height=”100%”]
    But when I paste that code the result is a height of nothing more than 200 px, then I need to specify in this case an exact height of 700px.
    Would it be possible to have some Magical Quick CSS Code :) that allows to Enfold tell that I want that panorama height varies based on the size of the screen? Always placing against the bottom margin the footer?
    By the way, I tried with a Color Section, but I found it impossible to use the full width of the screen



    Can you create one using Color Section? i guess the 100% height works there.

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue, no, not working.
    Yesterday last line: “By the way, I tried with a Color Section, but I found it impossible to use the full width of the screen”
    There’s also this reply to the same suggestion:


    Yeah but what about the height? does it go 100%?


    Maybe, look:
    If you find a way to use the full width of the screen will be great and I’ll change my Panorama Portfolio to Color Section elements.



    Edit the color section then add a unique Section ID to it. Use “custom-section” for example then add this in the Quick CSS field:

    .container {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
        padding: 0;

    The section’s container should be full width after that.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, yes, that add a full width screen Panorama, but look what happend with the height:
    And this is the content of the Code Block [pano file=”…./VR-FORMENTOR.html” width=”100%” height=”100%”]
    The result will be exactly to the Grid Row in if I paste the same Code, as is now:
    [pano file=”…./VR-FORMENTOR.html” width=”100%” height=”700px”]
    But that workaround does not solve the lack of responsive height size.
    Thanks for your help. I hope you can find a solution.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by nicolasweh.


    You forgot to set the “Section Minimum Height” settings of the color section to 100%.

    Best regards,


    No Isma, not works. Take a look now:
    It is “At least 100% of Browser Window Height



    I see. Please try this in the Quick CSS field:

    #top #main #custom-section .template-page {
        height: 100%;
        display: block;

    If it doesn’t work, please contact the plugin author, maybe he has any other idea.

    Best regards,


    It was no lucky Isma, thanks anyway for give it a try :)

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