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  • #1437249

    Hi, several of my Grid row background pictures not showing on mobile/tablet. I have attached some screenshots. How do I get these to show on mobile tablet? The weird thing is some the grid row background pictures are showing… Not sure why this is.


    Hey khrntanya,
    Thank you for your patience, for the grid row cell that is not showing on mobile, please add a white space element to it with a height of about 500px so it will show.
    or you can try this css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .av-flex-cells .avia-builder-el-last.no_margin {
        height: 500px !important;

    Best regards,


    yes – or place a whitespace separator to that cell – and set on advanced tab the “Element Visibility”.

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