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  • #23908

    .. I purchased this plugin a while ago so have experience with and don’t understand what could be doing wrong, am just copy pasting code from Layer Slider section and tried 3 diff ones and No Slider, just the short code (I would attach a screenshot if could upload here) Plz let me know what I may be missing…?

    THNKS and GREAT Theme!!$





    Please don’t use the LayerSlider shortcode because it is not working. Go to Advance Layout Editor, under Media Elements, insert the LayerSlider.




    AWESOME! Thanks Ismael, works GRT (aplgz, just was used to using the other way w copy/past shortcode and didn’t see in documentation this easy way)!! LUVIN THIS AMAZING THEME


    Oh, and I don’t see the option of where to turn the Breadcrumbs off…? I see in Docs but when go to those 4 panels in Layout, nothing says Breadcrumbs (on or off)…?

    Documentation Reads:

    Adding simple Posts, Pages and Portfolio Entries – top

    Writing a post or page doesn’t differ from doing so when using other themes. You add a title, add some content, and categories and thats about it. When writing or editing a post you will notice that the left side got an additional “layout” sidebar.

    Here you can overwrite the default settings of your options panel. You can choose a custom sidebar position (left/right/no sidebar) and if you choose to display a sidebar you can also set to display a custom sidebar. If you want to create a new custom sidebar for an entry simply head over to appearance->menus. At the bottom of the page you will find a custom input field to add new sidebar areas.

    Last but not lease you can choose if you want to display a subheader with page title and breadcrumb navigation when on a page.



    You can hide the breadcrumb via CSS. Please add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS

    .breadcrumb.breadcrumbs.avia-breadcrumbs {
    display: none;

    If you want to hide it on a specific page or post, you can add the unique body id. If you’re using chrome, right click the page > inspect element, look for the body class.

    .page-id-1122 .breadcrumb.breadcrumbs.avia-breadcrumbs {
    display: none;




    Worked Awesome, BIG Thanks Ismael! Would you know how to remove (all blog posts have at the bottom and don’t see in documentation)

    So this doesn’t show:

    You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

    <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b> <blockquote cite=””> <cite> ` <del datetime=””> <i> <q cite=””> </p>….

    Thnks an GRT THEME!! truly amazing



    Just add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS

    .form-allowed-tags {
    display: none;




    I want to insert a layerslider in my home page.

    I go to Advance Layout Editer

    I press the button Media toevoegen (adding Media)

    Then i see all my media images but there is no layerslider.

    How can I insert a layerslider in my page?

    Kind regards,




    Go to Advance Layout Editor, look for the Media Elements tab. Insert the Layer Slider.

    You can edit the slides on LayerSlider WP.



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