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  • #494996

    As I was trying to make changes to the advanced layerslider, I realized that I just can’t get my images to fit correctly. So I decided to use my bad bad bad illustrator and photoshop skills to make up my own at the recommended 1500 x 430 for the full width slider.

    The images are done and they look great in the Full width slider. However, when I remove the Advanced Layerslider and replace it with the Full Width Slider, the content’s background suddenly turns gray and the text not lined up as it’s supposed to. This also happened when I removed the Advanced Layerslider from one of the product’s page without even adding the Full width slider.

    This were my test results:

    – Homepage with the Advanced Layerslider and text content, It was ok.
    – Homepage without any slider, just text content, it was ok.
    – Homepage, Full Width slider and Advanced Layerslider, and text content, it was ok.
    – Homepage, Full Width Slider and text content, NOT ok.
    – Product page with advanced layer slider, it was ok.
    – Product page without advanced layer slider nor full width slider, NOT ok.


    Private message.


    Hey Juan!

    I couldn’t reproduce the issue, can you create a test page with the fwd slider instead of LS?

    ps. my previous reply was not for you, my mistake.

    Best regards,


    Hello Josue,

    Apparently, it was an error with preview. I did some testing in my staging site by placing the same FW slider. It gave me the error with the preview but then I update and revisited the site and it was ok.

    I already made the changes I needed to make in my live site and they are working great.


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