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  • #383492


    I have been searching the forums for the issue I am having but I have not found a suitable way to complete it.

    The Quantity Field is going under the text and is big.

    Didn’t have an issue with the old theme that we were using.

    I have included the domain and page in the private section

    Any help with this would be great. Thanks


    Hey Spikie69!

    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .ginput_container * {
      float: left;



    That worked for the quantity fields but caused even more issues.

    I have left those issues on the site so you can see. The First and Last at on the right not instead of under. The Province is out of line. The quantity doesn’t even line up.

    Is there a way to delete all the css for gfroms and just go with the gravity forms css? When I preview the form it looks and acts like it should but when loading the site its broken.



    Try this instead.

    .gfield_price .ginput_container * {
      float: left;

    As for the removing css question it would be best to contact gravity forms support about that.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Elliott.
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