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  • #988430


    I installed the travel demo import. On the big slider on the homepage, i added gravity form shortcode, but the result is the form is not working. How to make the form work?

    Please help.

    Thank you


    Hey tropsens,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The theme overrides the default style of the fields. Try these css codes.

    .gform_wrapper form li, .gform_wrapper li {
        overflow: visible;
        opacity: 1;
    #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper form li label, #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper li label {
        color: blue;
    #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper form li {
        color: red;

    Adjust the values as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for the code.

    Applied it, but the form has no field showing up. Can you please take a look now.

    Thank you



    Thanks for the update.

    I adjusted the css code a bit. The fields are now visible but it will still require a few adjustments. This is the adjusted css code.

    .gform_wrapper form li, .gform_wrapper li {
        overflow: visible;
        opacity: 1;
    .js_active .gform_wrapper li:first-child {
        visibility: visible!important;
    #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper form li label, #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper li label {
        color: blue;
    #top .av_inherit_color .gform_wrapper form li {
        color: red;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the code, i added some css to make the appearance look better.

    Since i want the form to contain 2 columns with fields, i created it, but now the second field on right side of the form is not visible.

    Can you please help to make it visible?

    Thank you



    Thanks for the update.

    Adjust the previous css code a bit.

    .js_active .gform_wrapper li:first-child {
        visibility: visible!important;

    Replace that css declaration with this one.

    .js_active .gform_wrapper li {
        visibility: visible!important;

    Best regards,


    Thank you Ismael,

    Will try it out.

    Thanks a lot.



    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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