I’ve got a sponsor on my website, and I currently have a graphic ad in the sidebar. But I’m getting more and more mobile traffic, so I’d like to be able to insert a graphic at the ends of posts when they show in the mobile theme. Where would I place that graphic?
Hi kirkmc!
You can include it in wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-index.php below this code
if(has_tag() && is_single() && !post_password_required())
echo '<span class="blog-tags minor-meta">';
the_tags('<strong>'.__('Tags:','avia_framework').'</strong><span> ');
echo '</span></span>';
Use echo to embed it into the php code or wrap your html code into php tags like
my code...
Best regards,
That displays on the desktop version as well. I want to _only_ have the graphic show up on the mobile version…
You will also need to then include a custom class on your code and then some css inside the desktop only media query in the css/custom.css file to hide the image on desktop.