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  • #1434303

    Good morning,

    I use your theme for my site and I wanted to put a color gradient on the titles H2 and maybe h2, I inserted the following lines in the style.css file but nothing works , can you tell me why ?

    display: inline-block;
    background: linear-gradient(to left, rgb(255,0,0), rgb(121,121,244));
    background-clip: text;
    -webkit-background-clip: text;
    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;



    Hey YMen45,

    Maybe this will help you out? https://www.scaler.com/topics/text-gradient-css/

    Best regards,

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    try to be more specific in your selector. For example use the #top id. or a custom class f.e. like gradient
    (be carefull where the custom class is placed f.e. on avia headings it might be a parent class to the h-tag)

    #top h2 {
    	display: inline-block;   /*** this might avoid text-align: center ****/
    	background: linear-gradient(to left, rgb(255,0,0), rgb(121,121,244));
    	background-clip: text;
    	-webkit-background-clip: text;
    	-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
    This reply has been marked as private.

    for example on your page:
    entering my code to developer tools:

    by the way : inspecting your css – see here the error:
    the curly bracket should be after the positioning

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    i’m participant as you are – so you then have to wait till mods are here – good luck



    Please see private for an example, the CSS used is what @guenni007 posted above. You might consider deactivating all caches on your site if your CSS is not applying.

    Best regards,


    it was indeed a problem with the cache, thank you for your interventions and your advice



    Great, I’m glad that we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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