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  • #1205846

    Hi I have used this to create pop-up modals with forms etc. I was wondering if there was a way to add a smoother transition eg. fade in or grow or slide.

    Thanks in advance.

    examples: – see get quote and email us buttons.

    Thanks in advance



    Enfold uses the lightbox of Magnific Popup from : Dmitry Semenov

    on its api you can see how to get some animation on it:

    in general the animations are set there via custom-class.
    Here you have some examples on animation:

    the only thing is that you had to transform the given css rules of a animation to your quick.css
    f.e. i like the mfp-3d-unfold:

    ====== 3d unfold ======
    .mfp-3d-unfold {
      /* start state */
      /* animate in */
      /* animate out */
    .mfp-3d-unfold .mfp-content {
      perspective: 2000px;
    .mfp-3d-unfold .mfp-with-anim {
      opacity: 0;
      transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
      transform-style: preserve-3d;
      transform: rotateY(-60deg);
    .mfp-3d-unfold.mfp-bg {
      opacity: 0;
      transition: all 0.5s;
    .mfp-3d-unfold.mfp-ready .mfp-with-anim {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: rotateY(0deg);
    .mfp-3d-unfold.mfp-ready.mfp-bg {
      opacity: 0.8;
    .mfp-3d-unfold.mfp-removing .mfp-with-anim {
      transform: rotateY(60deg);
      opacity: 0;
    .mfp-3d-unfold.mfp-removing.mfp-bg {
      opacity: 0;

    And is set via child-theme functions.php by:

    function add_lightbox_effect() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        delegate: 'a',
        removalDelay: 500,
        mainClass: 'mfp-3d-unfold',
        midClick: true,
      $(document).on('click', '.popup-modal-dismiss', function (e) {  
    <?php }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_lightbox_effect');

    the popup-modal-dismiss thing is not needed for that – but if there is a button to go to f.e. an anchor link on the page – it closes the popup with that class.

    you see that for that code a custom-class is set to a parent of the anchor link : inline-popups
    but change it to whatever you like.

    See here an example :


    Thanks Guenni – I’ll add this. Looks great.



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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