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  • #1231998

    As you are probably aware, Google Web Vitals is coming at the end of the year as a metric for SEO. So all websites I have produced in Enfold need to pass with flying colours.

    Sites I design currently sit between 70/100 and 95/100 depending on plugin setup.

    Largest Contentful Paint has been the biggest issue which means that the system has to wait for the entire CSS and JS files to be downloaded before page load.

    It is recommended that unused CSS is removed from the merged stylesheets and Unused JS is removed from the merged JS.

    When merged style sheets is selected, and only load used elements is set in the performance panel:
    Does it merge all of the CSS files for ALL ALB elements
    Does it only merge the CSS files for the elements that have been used?
    -Same question for the merged JS files.

    Please can you advise?


    Hi Thomas,

    It merges the CSS files for the elements that have been used on that page the site, similar with JS.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nikko. Reason: correction

    Thanks Nikko,
    That’s good news.
    Noticed yesterday that the new Enfold release is out. I’ll run some tests with it after I have checked it for compatibility with my current setup.


    Hi Nikko,

    Sorry to ask for clarification.

    Outside of changing the design, the CSS always seems to be around 80kb no matter what elements are used on the page.

    All of my enfold websites use the default performance setting – load only used elements (recommended).
    When I check web vitals for any of my sites the CSS file and JS file is always the same size.

    Can you double check with the other Devs that the css merging and js merging feature only merges the css files for elements that have been used on the site? and not all of them?

    If not can I feature request that the merge function is updated so the css/js from used elements only is added to the merge files?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Tom,

    I see, I’ll forward your request to our devs for review :)
    As for your question, it’s not merging all elements of Enfold but only what is used on the site.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nikko.
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