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  • #442543

    When using ‘Google Tag Manager for WordPress’ plugin – LayerSlider disappear from page.
    When deactivating ‘Google Tag Manager for WordPress’ plugin – LayerSlider re-sappears.


    It’s not GTM plugin problem.
    Google Tag Manager code conflicts with LayerSlider (even when gtm raw code inserted manually into html code).

    WP ver 4.2.2
    LayerSlider 5.3.2
    Enfold 3.1.3



    Not sure what it could be. It would be best to contact the LayerSlider and GTM authors to see if they can get the conflict resolved.



    Is this conflict solved now? What GTM Plugin do you promote for enfold in 2018?

    Thanks for anwering!



    We didn’t test a GTM Plugin with Enfold – but we didn’t receive a similar bug report recently.

    Best regards,

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