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  • #1358342

    Despite successfully setting up Google’s ReCaptcha on my websites and my clients a few weeks ago I am now getting this horrible threatening message on all the contact pages:

    This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form.

    Doing a search on Google’s own Captcha comes up with nothing (no surprise there).

    Any ideas what to do?


    PS. I have had to turn off the ReCaptcha on my client’s websites and reverted back to the Use Enfold’s Numeric Captcha.

    So the list of websites are updated in the private content



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you enable the cookie consent messages from Privacy & Cookies panel? The notification or error occurs because the Default Cookie Behaviour is probably set to the third or fourth option. These options give users the option to manually allow external services such as the map in the privacy modal popup window or within the privacy page. The services will not load without user permission.

    Please check the following documentation for more info about the privacy options.


    Best regards,


    HI Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply. I have set up as you suggested which now gives and extra line of text and a checkbox. But it still displays the error message.


    PS. What doesn’t make sense is that the other jewellery website uses identical settings and NO privacy text but still works. Link in private content.



    Try to set the Privacy & Cookies > Cookie Handling > Default Cookie Behaviour settings to the first or second option. Or allow the users to access the Modal Window Custom Content by adding a new button and set its Button Action to the fourth option (Open info modal on privacy and cookies).

    Best regards,



    Thanks for all the suggestions. Despite trying all the combinations the wretched message is still there.

    I think it might actually be something to do with the Google Settings? have you done a search for the error message itself?

    “This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form”

    There are 472,000 pages displaying this message. So hard to imagine they are all to do with Enfold???

    Here is an example:

    I think I need to go back to the Enfold sum one instead???


    Thanks for the feedback, I checked your contact page with the Google reCaptcha and the form sent my test message successfully without an error, did you already solve this?

    Best regards,


    I don’t know how you managed that as the website still displays the message and there isn’t even a send button to press???

    I wonder if google themselves tried to fix it and temporarily turned off the reCaptcha (when you looked at the page) then turned it back on again?

    I’m hoping Google will be the ones with the problem! Thanks again for trying it for me!



    PS, I see my website was set to still display that cookie panel where you can’t do anything before accepting cookies.
    Once accepted I see that the reCaptcha doesn’t display the error message and the button is there.
    It’s a pretty useless to stop visitors as soon as they arrive so this isn’t a workable solution to fix the contact page.
    I am tempted to just go back to the Enfold Numeric Captcha and just delete all the spam??
    It’s so annoying as when I set it up they all worked perfectly!

    See you,


    Thanks for the screenshot, but it gives a “hotlink” error, you probably have hotlink protection set on your server.
    In the future please try using a Screenshot service and pasting the image URL in your post.
    As for your reCaptcha I don’t need to accept cookies to send your form, here I fill it in:
    then I clicked the reCaptcha, it spun and gave me a green check and then hid, which is the correct behavior, so I didn’t get a screenshot of that, and then I sent the form and you see that I have the success message without accepting cookies.

    But from your last message I get the impression that you were getting a lot of spam, and this is the root of your issue, generally there are services that spammers use to beat Google reCaptcha, if these spammers has your site on their list then I would recommend using Contact Form 7 with Honeypot for Contact Form 7 and Blackhole for Bad Bots

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks for all your help!



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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