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  • #429005

    i often used for multilingual sites the wpml plugin.
    But the legend of the maps won’t change to the active language
    allthough i set up english as default language (even in wp-config.php) i allways see the german translations ( Karte, Satellit, vergrößern, verkleinern)
    before enfold i use the Mappress Google Map Plugin but even here the Legend is still in German ( the content of the bubble changes by switching the language but not the Legend) (you can see the other plugin and your Googlemap Widgets on the hidden link)

    Or does it change only by using an english browser ?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    ok – it seems to be dependend to the browser language.
    If i go to firefox settings and change the prefered language all is o.k.

    Topic can be closed !



    Great, glad you got it fixed :)


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