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  • #1259661


    Our Google maps embeds have stopped working. We have a valid API key and have a billing account attached to the Google account but it still won’t display.

    I have spoken to Google support and they think the theme is not passing the correct API.

    Any ideas?




    Hey philthebass,

    You need to have billing enabled.

    Best regards,



    We have billing enabled. As i said in my note above, everything is set up as it should be with a valid API and a billing account set up.

    It looks as though the wrong API is being used even though we’ve treble checked it and cleared caches several time.


    Hi Phil,

    Thanks for the update. I see the same error message from Google Maps on your site as Victoria pointed out, could you check that everything is ok with your billing details in your Google account please? If you need further help then please include admin WordPress login details in private.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi philthebass,

    Please check the API key maybe you posted a different one?

    Best regards,


    Hi philthebass,

    Please check the API key maybe you posted a different one?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi philthebass,

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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