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  • #1084207

    Hi there,
    I’m a web developer, I create for my customers websites. I have a problem on the Envato Theme.

    At Enfolg -> Google Maps I have there an Google Maps API Key, it shows Wir konnten uns mit deinem API-Schlüssel richtig mit Google Maps verbinden – that it can connect without problems.

    But on the Webpage dont shows google maps.

    Can you please help me?

    Thank you.


    Hey xCoreIT,

    Thanks for giving us the link to the page that has an issue.
    I have checked on the web console and find this error:

    Latitude or Longitude missing

    Just add Latitude and Longitude and that should show up :)

    Best regards,



    I have similar problems I registerd an API but in my case it says: “Could not connect to Google Maps with this API Key.” On the page of the google map preview it says that google maps can’t load. I don’t know what the problem is.

    Thank you


    Hi Btina,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Did you write me a message from you?
    No chances so far for my issue.
    Can you help me?



    Hi Btina,

    Sorry about that, Victoria posted the link in private. You can’t see that since you didn’t start the thread. Please refer to this: You need to add billing to the Google account which you created the API key with.

    Best regards,

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