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  • #927537


    I can’t get the Google Maps embeds to work. Registered various API keys without restrictions, Theme options-page verifies the key as working, however the maps do not work and console shows the MissingKeyMapError.

    In the footer however, the following code is present:

    <script type="text/javascript">
     /* <![CDATA[ */  
    var avia_framework_globals = avia_framework_globals || {};
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_api = 'AIzaSyCshpqNWfzpEkacaki44gobN1gPz0lTtmc';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_maps_loaded = '';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_builder_maps_loaded = '';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_backend_maps_loaded = '';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_source = '';
    /* ]]> */ 

    WP version 4.9.4, Enfold 4.2.6.


    Hey LP-Media,

    I checked the site and the API keys on the framework are wrong, as the site is not registered on the console.
    Can you please check the documentation to follow the steps exactly?

    Thank you

    Best regards,

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