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  • #996104

    I have created a new Google Apps billing account as I thought that would correct the issues. API keys created from that account do not work and do not connect.

    If I create an API key via the instructions on the Enfold “Google Services” tab the map loads but shows the for developers only map.

    A short term solution has been to use an old API key from before the Google Maps TOS change. I would love to know how to make the enfold google map function properly with a new API key.

    Thank you Enfold team for such wonderful support of your theme. Much love.



    Hey Luke,

    Can you please let us know if you have connected your billing details?

    Best regards,


    Hey Basilis, yes sir.
    I have connected billing and added my credit card. New API’s still do not connect or work. I am currently using an old API key to get maps to function properly.

    Thank you so much for the help.




    Thank you for the update.

    We need to test the new API key. Please post it in the private field. Did you enable the Geocoding API?

    // https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/google-map/#enable-services-for-google-api

    Best regards,

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