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  • #655231

    In case you didn’t find it: This is what Basilis is talking about:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Magnolia.


    Thanks for sharing the link!
    That is “the sexiest” solution i could come up with modifying Basilis’ solution. Hopefully our devs will release an update soon.



    same issue, want to be notified of replies



    alright. Let’s hope Kriesi can find a solution for it soon.

    Best regards,


    The map is working well on my server

    but after transferring it to my clients server it doesn’t work…. I did it with Duplicator.

    … need help urgently


    hey !

    I found a solution

    just enough to change a file to solve this problem

    firstly “/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes” html-helper.class.php found in the folder and replace to following code

    found this code :

    $visibility = "";
    			if(!empty($subvalues['long']) || !empty($subvalues['lat']) ) $visibility = "av-visible";

    replace this code:
    $visibility = "av-visible";
    the final version of the code:

    static function gmap_adress($element)
    			$defaults = array('address' => '', 'city' => '', 'country' => '', 'long' => '', 'lat' => '');
    			$subvalues = isset($element['shortcode_data']) ? $element['shortcode_data'] : array();
    			$values = array_merge($defaults, $subvalues);
    		    $visibility = "av-visible";
    			$output  = '';
    			$output .= '<label class="av-gmap-field av-gmap-addres">'.__('Street address','avia_framework').' <input type="text" class="'.$element['class'].'" value="'.nl2br($values['address']).'" id="address" name="address"/></label>';
    			$output .= '<label class="av-gmap-field av-gmap-addres av_half av_first">'.__('City','avia_framework').' <input type="text" class="'.$element['class'].'" value="'.nl2br($values['city']).'" id="city" name="city"/></label>';
    			$output .= '<label class="av-gmap-field av-gmap-addres av_half">'.__('Country','avia_framework').' <input type="text" class="'.$element['class'].'" value="'.nl2br($values['country']).'" id="country" name="country"/></label>';
    			$class 	 = 'button button-primary avia-js-google-coordinates av-google-fetch-button'.$element['class'];
    			$output .= '<a href="#" class="'.$class.'" title="">'.__('Enter Address, then fetch coordinates','avia_framework').'</a>';
    			$output .= '<div class="av-gmap-coordinates">';
    			$output .= '<label class="av-gmap-field av_half av_first">'.__('Longitude','avia_framework').' <input type="text" class="'.$element['class'].'" value="'.nl2br($values['long']).'" id="long" name="long"/></label>';
    			$output .= '<label class="av-gmap-field av_half">'.__('Latitude','avia_framework').' <input type="text" class="'.$element['class'].'" value="'.nl2br($values['lat']).'" id="lat" name="lat"/></label>';
    			$output .= '</div>';
    			return $output;

    and paste following code enfold analytics code area

    <!--Google Maps JavaScript API -->
    <script src=""

    “XXX is your api key google is free 25.000 views your map”

    that is all automatic address detection code just does not work , but you can find it in the manual..

    best regards.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by rdvnburton.

    Too much code for me… I’m still not brave enough to touch php.
    Any news from Kriesi?



    he’s still working on it.

    Thanks for being patient.

    Best regards,


    Same problem here, waiting for update?!



    Sorry for the delay, we’re working on an update. Please bare with us in the meantime.



    Same issue. Map worked fine on the development site, moved to production and produced the following error message a split second after the map loads (then disappears):

    This page was unable to display a Google Maps element. Please contact the site administrator. If you are the administrator of this site, please check the JavaScript console or check the following page for troubleshooting:

    The console reads MissingKeyMapError

    Really I’m just following this thread so that I can see when this issue is resolved…


    Hi, all. After tinkering around with this issue, I put together some code that let’s you add the Google API code via the Theme Options. The first function adds a field called “Google API Key” to the Theme Options tab. The second function pulls that value and uses it in the underlying HTML. Just copy these into the functions.php file for your theme or (hopefully) child theme.

    Kriesi’s solution will probably be better in the long run but in case anyone is interested…

    // add some theme options
    add_filter('avf_option_page_data_init', 'pwm_utilities_avf_option_page_data_init', 10, 1);
    function pwm_utilities_avf_option_page_data_init($avia_elements){
    	$new_elements[] =	array(
    						"slug"	=> "avia",
    						"name" 	=> __("Google API Key", 'avia_framework'),
    						"desc" 	=> __("", 'avia_framework'),
    						"id" 	=> "google_api_key",
    						"type" 	=> "text",
    						"label"	=> __("", 'avia_framework'));
    	$avia_elements = array_merge( $avia_elements, $new_elements );
    	return $avia_elements;
    // add google maps api script with key (only if the key has been entered).
    add_action('wp_footer', 'gmaps_workaround');
    function gmaps_workaround(){
    	$google_api_key = avia_get_option('google_api_key');
    	if( $google_api_key ):
    		echo '<!--Google Maps JavaScript API -->';
    		echo '<script src="' . $google_api_key . '" type="text/javascript"></script>';

    I’m truly surprised how long it takes best theme developers to fix issue which was announced way in advance by google.

    As well as I’m surprized how long it takes to fix WPML compatibility issues when changing default language. Theme actually breaks and its listed on “known issues”, but no progress what so ever



    Kriesi is still working on a fix for the google map issue and it will be included on next patch of the theme. For now, we managed to fix the google maps on a few sites by doing the following solutions in these threads:

    If the solutions did not fix the issues on your end, please create a new thread with the url to the site plus the WordPress and FTP login credentials. We’ll check the issue there.

    Best regards,

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