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  • #683368

    Hallo zusammen!

    Ich weiß dass es schon zahlreiche Einträge zu googlemaps gibt aber ich komme immer noch nicht weiter.

    Habe alles nach Anleitung gemacht, api generiert und eingefügt, trotzdem wird die Karte nicht angezeigt.
    ich habe schon einige Enfold Seiten aufgesetzt und bei allen hat es bisher ohne Probleme funktioniert…

    Installiert man andere Plugins wird die karte angezeigt, nur mit enfold nicht.

    Habt ihr eine Idee was ich noch machen kann?


    Hey Adam!

    Please try to follow the documentation

    and it will for sure solve any of your issues.

    Thanks a lot for your understanding

    Best regards,


    Hey Basilis,

    I had make it exactly as it was told. But if I start to edit an address , Edit Location is blank in Google Maps.
    As if you want to ask the version of your great product I ask for support: No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.0.2).

    Please come up with a working solution asap.

    Best regards,



    If you can’t see updates on the backend, then please try running this plugin in order to clear WordPress transients: Please note that the updates service is not compatible with all server environments so you might need to update manually:

    If you should need further help with the Maps problem then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your reply, Rikard!

    I enclose you the link to our website and its login credentials.
    Even I updated to ENFOLD 4.1.2 via SFTP, I wasn’t able to make google maps working for us.
    Plus I deactivated all plugins to check our API key, I genarated the fourth time on this google crap site.

    Awaiting your reply. Hopefully you figure out what’s going wrong with it.

    Best regards,



    I managed so far to have no error on trying to connect through our API.
    Those restrictions on google were the problem here.
    But we still have a blank window, when going to write some google maps information (eg. Address) into Enfold.

    Please have a look on it…

    Best regards,



    Could you please provide a screenshot of the “blank window”? I was able to add a map in a test page. ( see private field )

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    thank you for your response.
    As you wish:

    Edit google map step one
    Edit of google map step two = blank window

    Btw. You might forgot to add a graphic in the private field?

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the screenshot.

    Did you try it on a different browser or computer? That window is working on my end. I actually created a test page with the map element. ( see private field )

    Best regards,

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