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  • #652911


    Google Maps has stopped working with the following error and warning messages:

    Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError
    Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys

    Please advise of a solution.



    Same problem arriving just now…:(


    In fact, card is display half a second, then this message comes :
    Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.

    And the console shows :
    “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError” js:35:350 js:35
    km/this.H</<() common.js:52</<() common.js:225
    Ul/d() common.js:46
    <anonyme> AuthenticationService.Authenticate:1
    “Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys;

    And the web site works fine, I just moved it from dev server to main server, and that same main server works fine with other Enfold web site…:(

    The dev site is at
    The main site is at

    Both are exactly the same…:(

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by luke7263.

    Luke7263 is on to something…I also migrated the site (localhost to a staging environment). The local site is working but the staging / migrated site has the issue.



    Thank you for the info. Could you please post the FTP details here? We would like to do a test in your installation.

    Best regards,


    Ik have the same problem, also
    Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.



    Google has changed some thinge on their end and for the maps to work now it requires a API key please get it from

    Please check this link for more info

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Vinay.

    Im having problems showing google maps in my web:

    I have already done what you said:
    If you are having problems like images and sliders not showing up after updating to WordPress 4.5 (this is a javscript related problem) then please follow these steps before posting:…..

    Still not working…



    Vinay, I’m sorry I cannot accept your answer.

    This web site has been developped on my private server at
    and it works perfectly.
    Then I just copy it to running server using Duplicator and only that copy has the problem.
    If Google really had changed something to their API management, my dev web site at would not work neither. But you can check, it works fine.


    And by the way, there is no Enfold setting to enter an API key ! So if I need to manually edit a PHP file, well … that’s not a good way to work. If Enfold cannot handle this, well I think Enfold will loose a very interesting feature, and customers ..:(


    Is the still no answer to this…?


    For the first time, I have to say that Enfold team is really not performing. This problem is now open for many days, almost all web sites need Google Maps integration. It’s unbelievable that Enfold team stays so quiet.
    How you Enfold team can explain that the same web site works at and not at ? It is EXACTLY the same web site duplicated with Duplicator Pro.
    Ok, I may not be the best engineer on this planet, but my brain is binary on such a problem, so how would Google accept a web site and not another one consedering they are exactly the same ?
    Please Enfold Team hurry up, thank you.


    I think it could be something to do with Google javascript loading twice but I am not sure…


    @geekeey In that case, I should have the problem on both sites …:(

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by luke7263.

    no its because you restored it, it somehow has created 2 causing the problem… on the first site obviously you only have one… although I am not sure at this stage…



    This is not a theme related issue. The functioning of the google maps is changed at the Googles end and at the moment we do not have an update apart from what google has informed, we have reported it to our developer team. Please wait for a viable solution.

    Thanks a lot for your understanding.



    Vinay, I have a new site I cannot deliver to final customer and will loose thousand of euros because of that problem, I cannot accept you are so bad to solve that problem.
    You said we should use own Goofgle kay ? ok ok, but there is no Enfold setting to enter anything about that. And by the way, if Google has changed, why all my others Enfold web sites are still working ? They all use Google maps (contact module in Enfold).
    So please at least you could tell us where the key should be inserted ! It’s out of question to wait, customers don’t wait ! And keep in mind we are your customers, I buy a new Enfold license for each new web site, if you cannot handle such bugs please tell us quickly, I have 2 new web sites to finish until end of August and will buy another theme if you cannot solve that one soon.

    Sorry to be maybe so agressive, it’s really not my style, but you are really really bad to solve that bug, you can say what you want, it is a bug, and a bug should be the first priority for each professionnal programmer. I’m editor of CRM, 100 hundred time bigger project that Enfold, and be sure a bug is never opened for more than 3-4 days, really the maximum.

    I hope you’ll understand that question is now essential. Thanks.


    I have a meeting tomorrow to do some training on a new website for someone and what am I supposed to tell them about the maps?

    I have done everything I can I have put the API into the functions.php but still no joy…

    The only thing that works is the <iFrame> google share embed map which doesn’t have responsiveness and looks rubbish… sure it can’t take this long to sort?

    Please can we get an answer otherwise Avada here I come…


    thanks geekeey, I did not know about Avada, looks a great theme. Well, I should follow your choice.


    @vinay yes it is a change in the google api however it is a theme issue because the theme is using a deprecated api call.

    For those in need of a quick fix please go to create an account, an app and then a browser api key. If you don’t know what I am talking about visit for help.

    After you have created your key login to your ftp account and browse to /wp-content/themes/enfold/js/. Copy the file shortcode.js to your local computer. Open it in a text editor and locate line 458

    src: ''

    Now append your key to that line:

    src: ''

    Save the file and copy it back to your server. You might make a copy of the old file and keep it if you need it again.

    The same change must be made to the file /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-element-behavior.js on line 55.

    Remember this file will be overwritten with the next update.

    Important: You need to clear you browser cache and any cache from caching plugins to see the changes.

    simply introduce a new setting “google api key” in the enfold settings and append the key as shown above. You might consider to introduce a central place for loading the maps api instead of loading it conditionally in three places (twi js files above and class-framework.widgets.php). You even might consider to create a filter for loading the api to allow users to append additional parameters if needed.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by mensmaximus. Reason: Added important information about clearing cache

    No still not working…this is crazy guys come on seriously..


    @geekeey not working after applying my changes? Did you clear your browser cache and any cache from plugins? I implemented the hotfix in a couple of sites and it works well.


    let me clear cache hold on…


    Nope cleared cache tried a different browser still no joy…


    URL to website please


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by geekeey.

    Please enter your domain in the http referrer field of the api key at googles developer console or remove it at all to make the api key work form any domain.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by mensmaximus.

    okay hold on 2 secs… the domain has been added but let me remove it…




    The maps worked until I scrolled the screen so for about 2 seconds…

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