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  • #653801

    Hey Guys – we are facing problems with your GOOGLE MAP Fetch Coordinates’ Button not working :/

    We are currently running Enfold V3.6.1 and when adding our clients address, the Fetch Coordinates button is not generating the Longitude & Latitude numbers? We have the coordinates however we are unable to find as to where to add these to your code?

    Thanks Please Help
    GAZ ;)


    Hey GBDesignStudio,

    login link you’ve provided does not work. Can you check please?

    Best regards,


    whoops so sorry about this Andy. Ive reattached as below.



    There is an issue with google maps, that Kriesi is working on it.
    There will be an update as soon as possible, thanks a lot for your patience



    Same issue here. I want to follow this :)

    Thanks for working on it… we intend to launch our new site tomorrow, so fingers crossed for it to work by then!



    I am sorry, but it will not be working by tomorrow.
    Kriesi is working hard to get it solved and have an update, but it also require some time from envato to get released, so we do need time.

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    I understand. It is worth noting that it’s not broken on every site. I use it on another one and it still works.



    For a temporary workaround, please refer to this post –

    Best regards,


    Is there a way to place Coordinates without fetching automatically?



    Is there a way to place Coordinates without fetching automatically?

    I’m sorry but it’s not possible at the moment. You have to add the address then fetch the coordinates. A fix for the google maps api will be released soon.

    Best regards,


    Same issue here, looking forward to the resolution.



    We will release the new version of Enfold within few days which will fix this issue as well. Our devs are at the final stages of testing :)

    Best regards,


    For what is worth: the fix works perfectly fine.



    Glad the update worked for you and sorry for the previous problems.

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.



    Hey Kriesi-Team,
    unfortunately it does not work for me. I had the API code in place, but when trying to fetch the coordinates, simply nothing happens. i tried it on several pages. I am using 3.7.1 ENVATO theme from 6th of August.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by fritzbrause.


    : Please create a new thread with the url to the site plus the login credentials. We’ll check it there.

    Related link:

    Best regards,



    I seem to be facing the same issue as the guys in this thread were facing. I have generated the API key on Google Developer Console and have enabled the Google Maps Javascript API but even after entering the key in the enfold panel, when I go inside the Google Maps block and click on ‘Enter address, and fetch coordinates’ button, I get an error message saying “Google changed the way google maps work. You now need to enter a valid Google Maps API Key. You can read a description on how to create and enter that key here: Enfold Google Settings”, BUT I HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT. In fact, I tried using multiple Google Accounts. Then I saw that there were two coordinate boxes that had appeared but were empty, so I opened Google Maps, extracted the coordinates of the place I want to mark and entered two coordinates in those two boxes. Now, something does show up in the Maps area, but the location (despite having the correct coordinates) seems to have shifted to somewhere in the arctic circle.

    Please help me fix this. I don’t want my customers to go to the Arctic circle because of a small error.

    PS – This has been massively frustrating. Hoping for a quick solution. :)



    Can you please start a new thread and attach temporary admin logins in private content field? If you post them here, they will be visible to creator of this thread as well
    Also, please post the address you would like to insert :)

    Best regards,



    Replied already. I am closing this one. Let us continue there.

    Best regards,

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