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  • #1179682

    getting following errors/warnings in google lighthouse:
    [id] attributes on the page are not unique: https://prnt.sc/quu7gk
    Links do not have a discernible name: https://prnt.sc/quu85b
    Tap targets are not sized appropriately: https://prnt.sc/quu8xr

    Website url in private.


    Hey amanrajveer,
    Sorry for the late reply, the IDs are unique, please see the highlighted IDs, perhaps the test only looked at the first few characters?
    Typically the text for the burger menu and the next & previous post navigation is hidden from screen readers, thus the aria-hidden=”true” this was advised by the aria screen reader documentation, but if you really want this you can adjust, please see this post
    On your final screenshot the first one is for the animation of the mobile menu when it opens, it is not a tap item and it will aways overlap. The second one is the “shopping cart icon” I guess we can make it bigger but it will still overlap the hidden text “shopping cart” which is hidden from screen readers, thus the “aria_hidden_link_text”.
    The aria documentation advised us to use these for these situations because they are not adding confusing prompt or removing functions that would be needed or wanted.

    Best regards,

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