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  • #815094

    Greetings Support. Resulting error when trying to add address to Google Map media element:

    An error occurred
    It seems that your Google API key is not configured correctly
    The key is probably either restricted to the wrong domain or the domain syntax you entered is wrong.
    Please check your API key here
    The domain that should be allowed is:*

    My key is pasted into the google services section of Enfold Theme Options.

    I have reconfigured my API key and referrers multiple times with many possible variations as mentioned in step 4 of your google maps tutorial:

    I have also disabled all plugins.

    I have also cleared cash/ logged out/ in multiple times.

    Please send further tips on how to correct.

    Thank you very much.


    Hey Tom,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Yes, please see below. What do you think?



    Thanks for that. You are getting the following error, could you check if the API key you created is activated?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    It looks activated to me. Please see below.



    I inserted an API key @vinay generated and that worked. Please review your website



    Dear Yigit,

    Thank you for correcting. Could you please explain in more detail what the solution was?

    Who is Vinay and how did he generate a key? Should I use this key for other websites in the future?



    is a teammate. You can keep that API key in Enfold theme options.
    All necessary steps are explained here –

    Best regards,


    Thank you Yigit.

    As you can see in the tutorial, it is recommended to generate my own key, I followed the tutorial exactly, with no success. However, you are saying is that we should use this single key for all sites, not to generate own own key. Is that correct?

    Thank you, Vinay, for your help.



    Yes, we recommend you to create your own API key however if it is not working for whatever reason, you can continue using the one we inserted :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit

    I’m getting the same issue as tom3321.

    Google maps were working fine on

    I created a new API following the instructions, repeatedly, and no keys worked when adding to the Google Services section in the admin.

    On trying to reinstall the map I get the following error message:

    An error occurredX
    It seems that your Google API key is not configured correctly
    The key is probably either restricted to the wrong domain or the domain syntax you entered is wrong.
    Please check your API key here
    The domain that should be allowed is:*

    The domain appears to be correct I think?
    I checked your instructions and all seems fine.
    I tried creating a new project in the page with Google but now get this message: “Couldn’t create project”

    I had this issue with 4 other sites the other day. When I installed an API key, all worked fine but today the maps, once more, are not displaying.

    I’ve sent the login to the admin for the site in the Private Content section.

    I’m completely stuck. Please could you have a look and advise?

    Many thanks



    The same issue of “Couldn’t Create Project” is coming at my end. tried doing everything but not working.
    Can anybody check that on urgent basis. very important for me to fix this.


    Hi Steve,

    You’re getting this
    Google Maps API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
    Your site URL to be authorized:
    You might want to try again. Looks like the project got created and now you need to authorize your website.

    Best regards,


    Hi theanshbakshi,

    Google Maps API error: ApiNotActivatedMapError

    You might want to go to the Google console and try again.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thanks for your reply.
    As far as I can see, the domain is authorised.
    It displays as follows on the Google API manager credentials tab:

    Key restriction

    Key restriction lets you specify which websites, IP addresses or apps can use this key. Learn more.


    HTTP referrers (websites)

    IP addresses (web servers, cron jobs, etc.)

    Android apps

    iOS apps
    Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (websites) (Optional)
    Use asterisks for wildcards. If you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any referrer. Be sure to add referrers before using this key in production.*


    I’m really stuck now and this is getting urgent.

    Any ideas?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by steve159159.

    The Map error message, as perviously detailed shows

    “The domain that should be allowed is:*”

    As you can see, that domain is listed as a referring URL.

    I’ve also set the page the map is used on: as a specific referring URL. Makes no difference.





    Hi Victoria,
    I have tried million times but facing the same issue, kindly help me to fix it asap else there is no use of buying this theme if i cant make my website on time.


    Hi theanshbakshi,

    We can help you with a lot of things like styles, JavaScript and php, but this is Google’s functionality, you have to write to their support. If it says ApiNotActivatedMapError, what can we do, you have to go to the source.

    Best regards,


    I tried generating the code from another account. It got generated and have put the same there. But still it is not working. Kindly check & Revert


    Please respond



    Please could someone come back to me re this issue? It’s now urgent.
    None of my API keys work in the Google maps element. However, if I just embed Google map iframe code into one of your Code Block elements it works fine. That would suggest there is an issue between your Google Maps element and the Google APIs?

    I’ve bought approx 50 licences for your Enfold theme. I can’t justify buying more for my clients until this issue is resolved as it’s a popular feature.

    I really need you to assist promptly with this please.





    We have just released Enfold 4.1 which has improvements on Google maps elements. Could you please firstly update the theme – and check once again?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit

    Thanks. Will do that now and will report back.




    Hi Yigit

    Sorry, no luck. I updated to version 4.1 as suggested.

    I regenerated the API key and ensured there is no restrictions on it.

    I then tried to add a new Map element to the page and add an address. The same error message came up:

    “An error occurredX
    It seems that your Google API key is not configured correctly
    The key is probably either restricted to the wrong domain or the domain syntax you entered is wrong.
    Please check your API key here
    The domain that should be allowed is:*

    I checked again, and there is no restriction on the key.

    In the Google Services page on the theme admin, I used the Check API button and got the following error message:

    “Could not connect to Mailchimp with this API Key. Please try again with a different key
    You might also want to check your internet connection and make sure that is available”

    I’m obviously not trying to connect to Mailchimp!

    Please could you log in and have a look at this? I’m lost. I sent login details with my initial support request in this thread.




    Hey Steve,

    You had following code in Functions.php file of your child theme

    function ava_googlemaps_apikey() {
    	$prefix  = is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
    	wp_register_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', $prefix.'://', array('jquery'), '3', true);
    add_action('init', 'ava_googlemaps_apikey');

    I removed it and it worked on your contact page. Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks very much Yigit

    Didn’t know that was there :-/

    I owe you a beer!





    You are welcome @steve159159! Please consider you already bought me a virtual beer :)

    We will keep the thread open and will wait to hear from the creator of this thread. If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread.

    Best regards,

    P.S.: Please consider reviewing Enfold on ThemeForest if you have not already – :)


    Poor support, have been asking for a response and nobody is bothered. Would definitely share my experience over internet.



    I checked your profile and it seems like you have not started any threads yet. We ask each user to start a new thread simply because we try to solve the issues of the thread creator before checking on other participants websites.

    You are currently using an older version of the theme. Please update Enfold to the latest version 4.1 – and flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times –

    If that does not help, please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly look into it. This confusion might have led you to think that we provide poor support and that is totally understandable however i am pretty sure we will be able to change your opinion in near future, probably when you start your own thread. We will be waiting for your thread! :)

    Best regards,

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