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  • #772659

    Hi I have a question about the implementation of Google Analytics with Enfold.

    I live in Germany and here it is necessary to use the Opt Out cookie for mobile users. The Code for the opt out solution must be placed before the Google Tracking code.

    At the moment I use the field in the Enfold theme Options, to put in the Google Analytics Tracking code. For the opt out cookie I use the Plugin “Google Analytics Opt-Out” from Wp-Buddy ( But I´m not sure if this is right, because the opt out Cookie code is not directly before the google Analytics code in the sites source code. Is this a problem or did the code work with this solution?

    Or Should I put in the Code for the mobile opt out cookie in the same field in the Enfold Settings before the Google Analytics tracking code?

    Thank you very much!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Jo_Smud.

    Hey Jo_Smud,
    I would put the opt-out script directly above the tracking code to ensure that it is read.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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