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  • #350538

    A comment on one of my blog posts told me that my site is firing its Google Analytics code twice – ga.js and analytics.js – and that this is causing the site’s bounce rate to appear lower than it is. For a 10-day span, the site’s bounce rate was zero. Currently, it is about 10% over the past 30 days.

    My site is hosted on DreamHost. In the DreamHost panel’s settings, there is a place to put my Google Analytics account ID (starting with “UA-“) for all of my sites. My account ID is there.

    My Enfold Child theme is also set up with my GA tracking code for the same account ID.

    Should I remove the tracking code from Enfold Child? Or is this ga.js/analytics.js conflict coming from somewhere else?


    Hi DalandanUX!

    Yes if your already using analytics then you’ll want to remove the tracking code from the Enfold settings or your dreamhost account. If you use our settings then it should load the new analytics.js and not the ga.js which is probably being loaded by dreamhost.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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