Tagged: google ads
I want to add a Google Ads conversion tracking code to my website. I added the global site tag to functions.php and I need to add the event snippet to my ‘schedule a demo’ page (see instructions below)
Copy the snippet below and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of the page(s) you’d like to track, right after the global site tag. Then, call gtag_report_conversion when someone clicks on the chosen link or button.
How do I add code to a specific page?
Here is the page that I need to add the code to: http://emphasyspha.com/products/schedule-a-demo/
Here is the code that I need to add:
<!– Event snippet for Emphasys PHA Leads conversion page
In your html page, add the snippet and call gtag_report_conversion when someone clicks on the chosen link or button. –>
function gtag_report_conversion(url) {
var callback = function () {
if (typeof(url) != ‘undefined’) {
window.location = url;
gtag(‘event’, ‘conversion’, {
‘send_to’: ‘AW-770135138/3Ga7CMG-h5MBEOKone8C’,
‘event_callback’: callback
return false;
Hey ggagnon,
You can add tyhe snippet to the Google code section in Enfold > Google Services
To add the code to a specific page please use a code block element.
Best regards,