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  • #837304

    Here is a Question:
    We love the enfold theme… we love the support you ppls provide. So we want to build a Custom Storefront for our GoDaddy (GD) Reseller website now that GD has developed a WordPress Plugin to import all their products.

    FYI – there are many GD re-sellers out there and many are now trying to put the Custom Storefront together, but it seems to be limited to working with certain themes ie; Activation or Primer themes and using the page builder call Beaver Builder.

    So, here is my thoughts… could you take a look at our enfold install and look at the problems we have integrating the storefront products. They are only available using “Widgets” and enfold can only embed these in page sidebars… not on the pages.

    I will provide you login credential below. Now here is the incentive for your help… there are thousands for GD Re-sellers and we have a closed community on Google+ that if we can come up with a solution using enfold We will promote your theme to everyone of them! The group has 3,825 members – Private

    Here is a look at our current Re-seller site… you will see why we want a Custom Storefront, as well as we can develop our own SEO Ranking.
    Thanks for your time and consideration… we really want our storefront to use enfold.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by So Evolve.

    Hey So Evolve,

    What do you mean by Custom Storefront? You can build a page with Advanced Layout Builder and add a product slider or a product grid there, along with any other content, that you would like to have there. Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,

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