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  • #776370


    How do I change the phone number background color and font area when the header is glossy? I need all elements to be color including the phone number, social icons, etc. I want the colors to change once it scrolls down to what they are now when you scroll down.


    Hey mcraig77,

    Add the following to quick css:

    #top .av_header_transparency #header_meta {
        color: red!important;
    #top .av_header_transparency #header_meta .container ul.noLightbox.social_bookmarks.icon_count_2 {
        color: red!important;

    Of course change the color to what you need.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I ran into a couple of issues.

    1. The social icons color wont change with that code. I need them to be #969696
    2. How do I change the glossy bar color of the phone number area only to #F8F8F8?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mcraig77.


    That social icon code should work. If possible please provide admin info so I can look into this further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Here ya go!



    The above credentials are not working for me. Can you check it?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Whoops try this



    I just looked at the site again, at it seems to be working as you intended. If not, please screenshot what you need fixed.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Not quite. I need the social icons to show in glossy and need the color of the phone number bar changed .



    I am not sure what you mean show in glossy. What color should the number be changed to?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    The menu is setup to show glossy at first than when you scroll down it becomes a solid color. Right now you cannot see the social icons in the bar when it is glossy. I want the background phone number and social icon bar to be a dark gray.



    To change these colors, just add the following custom CSS code at the Quick CSS field.

    #header_meta {
    background: #222 !important;
    .social_bookmarks a {
    color: #eaeaea !important;

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Thank John That seemed to work.

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