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  • #1437722

    Here is the link with my attempt at using single.php.

    I am trying to move the section that says Share This Sermon — including the icons and leave a reply and form form comment, etc.
    down to BOTTOM of the whole post.

    I.E., I do not WANT it in the right-hand column, I ONLY want it at the end.
    What do I need to do to accomplish this, please?

    My try at bottom was to add avia_social_share_links(); statement to bottom of post single.php…but that way I do not get the comments bit.
    Also, I do not know where the right sidebar is coming from. I don’t want to do display: none for the the whole thing…would MUCH rather just be able to remove.

    Please help. I’ve tried lots of things and none of them are doing the trick. Oh rats!


    Hey CharlieTh,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    I am trying to move the section that says Share This Sermon — including the icons and leave a reply and form form comment, etc.

    Looks like the section was added inside a Column element. Have you tried manually moving the Column element down to the very bottom of the page or builder?

    You disable the sidebar by adjusting the options in the Enfold > Sidebar Settings panel.

    Best regards,

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