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  • #853104

    I have big problems with the theme since I’ve migrated the website to Strato. I made a backup of the website and it’s database with Back WP up. First everyting was normal, but a few months later all of the german umalts (ä, ö, ü, ß) and the icons won’t show correctly.

    I have the latest version of Enfold and WordPress installed and checked the website with Firefox Version 55, Opera Version 47 and with the latest Version of Microsoft Edge. But everywhere it looks like this:
    Enfold broken umlauts
    And the icons like this:
    Enfold broken icons

    I tried it with all plugins disabled, changed the themes font to a system font (Arial/Helvetica) and put the code of Ismael inside the functions.php of the child theme:

    function add_subset_func($fontlist) {
    	$fontlist .= "&subset=latin,cyrillic";
    	return $fontlist;
    add_filter('avf_google_fontlist', 'add_subset_func');

    But nothing works.

    I’ve created you an administration account, so you can check this problem. Please help me, my client is getting more and more frustrated, because I can’t find a way to fix this.


    Hey x06designs,

    Please try to follow this:

    Best regards,


    Thanks this seems to work for the umlauts. Just out of curiosity: what does this code exactly do?
    But in various browsers the icons are still not shown correctly. Could you please check this issue?

    AND: now I can’t access the WordPress Admin area: “Du bist leider nicht berechtigt, auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.” (you are not allowed to access this area)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by x06designs.


    You can read more here –

    It must be a caching related issue. Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times –



    Now I can’t access the WordPress Admin area: “Du bist leider nicht berechtigt, auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.” (you are not allowed to access this area)

    Edit: After trying it on multiple computers I can clearly say:
    1. The icons are only shown correctly on firefox, but in Firefox the umlauts are not shown correctly.
    2. In every other browser it is exactly the opposite: the icons are not shown correctly, but the umlauts are.
    3. In none of the tested browsers I get access to the WordPress admin panel.

    I can give you access to MySQL as well, if this would help?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by x06designs.


    Did you use the htaccess code?

    <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|woff)$">
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    Please don’t include the “IIS7” configuration.

    Best regards,


    Sorry for my late response, I was on vacation.
    I tried all your suggestions, but neither the umlauts, nor the icons got fixed with your method. And now some chinese signs are shown in the meta description on google… What is wrong with the theme that it creates so much problems?

    I have still these problems:
    1. The icons are only shown correctly on firefox, but in Firefox the umlauts are not shown correctly.
    2. In every other browser it is exactly the opposite: the icons are not shown correctly, but the umlauts are.
    3. In none of the tested browsers I get access to the WordPress admin panel.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by x06designs.


    What is wrong with the theme that it creates so much problems?

    It’s been a while. There’s nothing wrong in the theme. It’s your server configuration. If you check on the demo, you won’t see the issue. Please post the FTP and WP login details again. I tried the FTP account but it’s not working.

    Best regards,


    I’ve created you an own FTP account, now you should get access. But WordPress Access is temporary not working. After trying all your suggestions to solve the problems, you can login to WordPress though, but you can’t access the backend.



    Please try to set a different font in the Enfold > General Styling > Fonts panel. Maybe, “Helvetica” doesn’t support umlauts or certain characters.

    UPDATE: This thread might help.

    Best regards,


    did you use an old data base on your ISP for your new installation ? sometimes the tables stay in charset (DB_CHARSET) if you are changing from MySQL 4 to 5. Or if you update an old major wordpress installation to a new one. Then f.e. a charset latin is used – or an old utf8. Meanwhile the utf8 is the standard WordPress setting but if there are old entries it might be a problem.

    this trouble is If a document has been saved as Unicode (UTF-8) but interpreted as ISO 8859-1

    The following two lines are in your wp-config.php file ? :

    define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
    define('DB_COLLATE', '');

    if there are other entries try to replace it with the above.

    second: you can try to insert in your htaccess file: AddDefaultCharset UTF-8


    this is only concerning to your problem with German Umlaute. the above is important too for your presentation of signs in your blog.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.

    now i see on your site the opposite behavior : saved as Unicode ISO 8859-1 but interpreted as (UTF-8)

    did you change anything – describe what you have done


    so my advice if you are familar with phpmyadmin goto your tables and see if everything is set to utf-8
    and let the entries in wp-config as mentioned above:

    define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
    define('DB_COLLATE', '');

    if you are not familiar to it – ask your ISP (Internet Service Provider (strato) ) to do this.

    Last attempt to solve your problem on the fast lane:

    edit your config.php file to:

    define('DB_CHARSET', '');
    define('DB_COLLATE', '');

    I haven’t changed anything so I can’t explain why the Unicode ISO 8859-1 gets interpreted as (UTF-8). I tried your code for the htaccess and this seems to work. I will have to check this on a few other browsers and computers, but I guess this solved the interpretation error.


    Hi x06designs,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    Thank you @Guenni007 :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    if you got troubles on permalink and Umlaute open a new thread
    sometimes an ä goes to a etc on permalink – and that is not nice – it should go to an ae

    by the way – which of the codes helped you to solve it?
    the last with empty both values ?

    define('DB_CHARSET', '');
    define('DB_COLLATE', '');

    some kind of overdetermination

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